On the face of a recession hit US economy, historic low interest rates, and rebound in the emerging economies, emerging economy currencies appreciated against a weakening dollar

Thanks to the massive liquidity easing followed by buoyant economic recovery, the money markets in India appear to have priced in inflationary expectations

After the blip in the immediate aftermath of the bursting of the sub-prime bubble, commodity prices have been on a continuous upward curve

Food prices inflation has become the biggest and most important immediate macroeconomic challenge for policymakers in India

Zubin Jelveh has an interesting list of the year's biggest ideas in economics (most of them have been covered in this blog!). Harvard Business Review has this list of breakthrough ideas for 2010 (via Mostly Economics). Simon Johnson heads Prospect Magazine's list of the 25 most influential intellectuals during the crisis (via Mostly Economics). Foreign Policy magazine has this list of ten important events that did not get the coeverage they merited.
Niranjan Rajadhyaksha forecasts seven swings of fortune in 2010. Independent's commentators peers into the world of 2020 here and here. TN Ninan picks ten themes for India over the next decade. And also see this excellent listing of Africa's successes (a descriptive post here) with development from Shata Devarajan's impressive blog.
And here are some interesting graphics about India's last decade (HT: Business Standard)
Corporate India is contributing an ever increasing share ot national economic growth...

... the Indian consumer too has joined the party...

... with the result that the economy is growing at record levels, driving integration with the world economy and attracting foreign investments.

Update 1
Emerging economy equity markets grew at an annualized 10.1% (or 160% over the decade), while the developed economy markets crawled at 0.2% (or 2.3% for the decade). Brazil’s market grew more than 500% or 20% a year, India climbed at an annual rate of 14.1% for a total gain of more than 270%, China rose 150% or a compounded 9.7% annually.

1 comment:
Very nice graphics. Quite informative.
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