Monday, January 30, 2012

The fiscal and monetary "wiggle-space" - where does India stand?

Free Exchange points to the contrasting macroeconomic positions of developed and emerging economies. While the former has limited fiscal and monetary space to stimulate their economies any more, the later have adequate cushion on both fronts, if the need arises.

The average budget deficit of emerging economies last year was only 2% of GDP, against 8% in the G7 economies. And their public debt ratios were on average only 36% of GDP, compared with 119% of GDP in the rich world.

The Economist article uses a mix of fiscal and monetary policy paramters to arrive at the respective nations flexibility to manoeuvre with expansionary policies. It points to five parameters that determine the monetary policy space - inflation, credit growth, real interest rate, exchange rate movements, and current account balance. It added up the scores on these five parameters to produce an overall measure of monetary manoeuvrability. On the fiscal policy side, it constructs a fiscal-flexibility index, combining government debt and the structural (ie, cyclically adjusted) budget deficit as a percentage of GDP.

It ranked 27 emerging economies according to their monetary manoeuvrability and fiscal flexibility using a "wiggle-room index" constructed using the aforementioned parameters. This index is a reflection of the ability of countries to withstand a global downturn by stimulating their economies. The verdict,

The index suggests that China, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia have the greatest room to support growth. At the other extreme, Egypt, India and Poland have the least room for a stimulus, thanks to excessive government borrowing, large current-account deficits, and uncomfortably high inflation. Brazil is also in the red zone.

At first glance, on most parameters, India stands out as being among the most constrained of emerging economies. On the fiscal side, its combined government fiscal deficit of around 9% of the GDP, means that there is limited space available for any stimulus spending.

However on the monetary side, given the recent declining trend in inflation, the 13 consecutive repo rate increases by the RBI in response to rising inflation gives the central bank adequate monetary space to stimulate the economy. Further, since credit growth has been below par and exchange rate appears to have weathered its brief period of volatility, the monetary side space may not be as constrained as it appears now.

Further, while its total public debt, at about 68% of GDP, may look high by the standards of emerging economies, closer analysis reveals that it may not be as dismal as is being projected. Here are three reasons

1. The overwhelming share of this public debt is owed to domestic creditors. In fact, the total external debt (public and private) is estimated to decline to 17.4 of GDP for 2011, with government share being a mere 4.4% of GDP. As of end-September 2011, of the total external debt of $326.6 bn, with government and non-government shares in the total external debt being 24.3% and 75.7% respectively. Short-term debt accounted for 21.9% of the country's total external debt, while 78.1% was long-term. Adjusted for this, the real effective debt burden, in relation to a sovereign debt default risk, shrinks considerably. The only area of slight concern should be the 27.4% CAGR in external commercial borrowings between end-March 2006 and end-March 2011.

2. At 122% of GDP, its overall debt is the second lowest among all the major economies. Only Russia has a lower overall debt-to-GDP ratio.

3. Though its government may be profligate, the other major engines of economic growth - households, non-financial corporates, and financial institutions - have the healthiest balance sheets among all major economies, including China.

This means that all the non-government drivers of economic growth stand on very strong platforms and have enough "wiggle-room" to manoeuvre. All that is now required is for the government to get governance and policies right. Will that happen?

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